Time management tips to work smarter at home

With many of us now working from home, time management is crucial to being able to complete tasks faster can spell more time for family or for doing the things people want, a productivity expert told Yahoo.

Ben Stocken, CEO of business performance consultants here at West Peak says that work no longer means arriving at nine and slaving away until five. He believes that it’s perfectly possible to ‘work smarter’ to complete tasks far faster.

Here are four tricks with time management that Ben says will help you get your work done in half the time.

‘Reboot’ your brain

We’ve all had days when we start with a bang – crossing tasks off our to-do list left right and centre, but then we hit the wall.

Ben says that hitting the ‘reset’ button can often help.

He said: “If you’re finding it hard to keep the pace going, break the routine and give your mind a rest.

“Taking a quick cold shower can increase your alertness, boost your energy levels and quickly get you back on track.

“At the opposite end of the scale, try taking a power nap. A 20-minute bit of shut-eye can reset your brain. Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher both swore by the benefits of a nap, and forward-thinking employers like Google even provide sleep pods for workers.

“However, if you’re chained to your desk and can’t snooze or shower, chewing gum is a good way of stimulating your brain. The chewing action increases activity in the brain’s hippocampus, and is said to improve memory and focus. Sir Alex Ferguson was a big advocate of this trick during his days managing Manchester United.”

Change your routines

The danger with workplace routines is that you end up forming habits that slow you down which isn’t good for time management.

It’s possible to fall into bad habits, including getting distracted by chatting with colleagues, and that simply changing the routine can help.

Research published in Nature Neuroscience found that changing your routines can boost brain activity.

Ben says: “Get out of mind-numbing routines and refresh your brain by changing where you work. Swap that monotonous home office for working in a coffee shop. As well as the change in visual space, the ambient noise can help you focus and banish the fatigue that can creep in from working alone.

“If you haven’t got another location to move to, even relocating to a new spot at home or at work can refresh your motivation and assist with your time management in the day. Instead of working at your desk, swap to your dining room table, or even tap away from the sofa for a while.

“You don’t have to work in silence either. Studies have shown that listening to music can improve inspiration, concentration and reduce stress. It’s best not to use pop music, as you can end up getting distracted by the lyrics. Try listening to classic music or even video game soundtracks – upbeat music can help boost your mood and productivity.”

“And get the blood moving around your body by taking regular movement breaks, or using a standing desk.”

Click here to read the original article on Yahoo news you can also find our more about our Team Performance Training at West Peak

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Ben Stocken and Ben Wade